If you require your employees to work with hazards, or within an environment which could impact on their health; it is essential to have their fitness to work assessed.
We offer a range of services to support you in this function;
Workplace Health & Wellbeing provide comprehensive new employee health screening. This starts with a detailed health questionnaire, available in electronic format suitable for emailing or via our online portal.
New employee health screening also provides a vital baseline health review. This is an important record of an employee’s health status at the beginning of their employment and is key to ensuring individuals are fit to undertake the work required of them.
Workplace Health & Wellbeing will advise your organisation of any suitable workplace adaptations, job modifications or work restrictions necessary at this stage too. All recommended restrictions or adjustments to the work in compliance with the Equality Act will be specified on the fitness certificate produced by Workplace Health & Wellbeing and we can work with your organisation to discuss how reasonably practicable these recommendations are.