
Employees attend Workplace Health & Wellbeing for a variety of appointments. These will be relating

to protecting / monitoring aspects of your health in relation to your work environment. These may include:

  • Consultations in relation to commencing a new role
  • Immunisation assessments and vaccinations
  • Health screening / surveillance which may be required due to the hazards within the workplace.
  • Referral from your manager to advise about fitness for work and to ensure that, when at work, the activities that you carry out and the environment in which you work will not adversely affect your Health.

You may be referred if:

  • you have been absent from work due to illness for a period of time;
  • you have had several short absences due to ill-health
  • you have had an accident or incident resulting in you being absent from work
  • you have other health issues affecting your attendance, performance or behaviour at work that causes concern


In the appointment

Occupational health records